1 Content = 1 Tree Donation (via LindungiHutan.com)
A 19th years old content creator from Jakarta who already intern in more than 10+ companies within 1,5+ years. Likes sustainability, and a founder of Watery Nation. Enjoy FREE resources below 🙂
What Arfiana can HELP you?
Beside being an Intern and share her story through content, she is also a freelancer
Created from WordPress with external hosting to make it perfectly affordable. This service is for YOU who want to have a professional portfolio or digital resume, an invitation through a website, or a company/NGO profile.
Learning UI/UX from a bootcamp and independently, she can help you get connected with user include Copywriting, and Marketing skill that she had from various experience. She understand how to make your product marketable.
1-on-1 share and solve your journey with Arfiana. Fun fact, Arfiana is getting her first internship without spending any money to learn. Reveal Arfiana’s secret on what a High-School graduate can do!
Create online-events might be hard. With Arfiana’s knowledge on International events. She can help you manage from end-to-end.
A value of a product without anyone know about it is ‘Nothing’. Provide you organic and paid Digital Marketing planning.
Bring your brand-presence to a community of ambitious Gen-Z through Arfiana’s account. Anything that you want to show!
What they said about me?
Arfiana is one of the good people I enjoyed worked with. Her knowledge of business, especially for young people, is very broad and easy to apply. I highly recommend her for everyone who want a partner in digital business!
Never had I ever met a person who’s so dedicated in her work and is drowning herself as agent of change by contributing a lot in not only environmental cause but the world cause. Her leadership style never fails to impress me. Working with her taught me alot and I believe she’s the person you’re looking for in workspace 🙂Â
Never had I ever met a schoolgirl who having proven qualities in public service while it usually done by people who far older than her. I knew Arfiana since a year ago, when she was a graphic designer. Her leadership style inspire my leadership journey in both nat’l and int’l organisations so far. I highly recommend her in many endeavours!